Based in the Bay Area, WLK is Mikee and Jo — working parents of two loving and kind kids. They love sharing stories and tips at the intersection of work, life and kids.

10 low-key ways to switch things up

10 low-key ways to switch things up

Sometimes all the kids need are a little twist. Something that breaks them out of the daily routine. Here are some of our favorites:

1. Twilight walks

We do neighborhood walks all the time but whenever we suggest a night walk with headlamps and reflective vests, somehow it becomes 10x more exciting. Scavenger/I Spy games increase in difficulty making for fun challenges!


2. Backyard picnics

Just move dinner 10 feet to the backyard and it’s a whole new experience. Kids still talking about how fun it is! Still using the JJ Cole picnic blanket we got from our baby showers years ago! For twilight dinners, definitely get hooked up with a rechargeable LED lantern.


3. Move it outside

This just literally happened today which is what inspired this post. Mikee decided to move the kids outdoor for their art time. You get it, there’s a theme - changing locations is a big deal! We also sometimes use our Lifetime Kids Picnic table from costco.


4. Role Reversals

Try this one “Why don’t you be the mommy and I be the daughter?” Oodles of laughter and endless fun. In this photo, Thomson became Emmy.

5. Candlelight dinners

We were gifted these Orrefors glassworks tea light orbs and have been using them consistently for our candle light dinners. There’s something about darkness isn’t it! That’s how I like to dress up a tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich dinner!


6. Breakfast for dinner

Why not? Dinner for breakfast? Why not! Just do it! The staple item I have in my freezer at all times are buttermilk belgian waffles. They crisp up so wonderfully in the oven in no time! I love this recipe from

7. Change the rules of the game

This how UNO has continued to make money over the years. There are many different versions of Uno (Flip, Mario, Frozen, Harry Potter, to name a few) and they each have slight variations to the rules. Why let them have the fun? Make up your own rules. What if “WILD” meant you get to give away a card to someone you choose?


8. Silly photo contest

Google silly photos and find lots of inspiration for ideas to do with your kids. As you can see, we got a little carried away at Yosemite this past weekend.

9. Recycle/Reuse Party

This is Mikee’s speciality. He digs into our recycling bin and challenge the kids to make or do something with random stuff he finds. Cost nothing but the possibilities are endless. Think again before you dump that cavatappi box!


10. Role play

There is sooo much opportunity for costumes beyond Halloween. Take them out every week and play out a scene from a movie or make up your own. I’ve even gone to school to pick up the kids in costume - they love it!!! I tend to get costumes without glitter in washable comfy fabrics for easy wear.

I hope this sparks some new ideas because it doesn’t take a lot to create a child’s highlight of the day. Sometimes, it’s just about turning off the lights. (Our favorite way to read Harry Potter with headlamps and sleeping bags!)

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